Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Congress is the problem

Ok, after watching the final debate, I have come to a conclusion, FIRE CONGRESS. The presidential candidates will continue to bicker back and forth. They both have their policies and ideas to fix things like health care and the economy, but lets face it, both of their plans suck! Both candidates claim to support change and that is a load of bull! Anyone who believes that they are telling the truth is naive and fails to see the corruption in the system. If you truly want change, fire congress. Congress is full of self-centered individuals who have their own agendas that they are trying to fulfill. They don't care about the american people! All they want is to increase our taxes to fulfill their own purposes. If you don't believe it, look at the recent bailout. Tacking on an additional 170 billion in pork is just rediculous. CONGRESS SHOULD NOT BE A CAREER!!!!!!! Set some term limits and get these people in and out in 6 years. Cut their salaries, because they get paid way to much to get nothing accomplished, and cut their lifetime benefits. Seriously, what other job in america is as lenient as working in congress. It's not competitive with america, and it's not what our founding fathers intended. So, if you want to see change, vote against the incumbant! VOTE OUT EVERY INCUMBANT!!!!! ALL OF THEM! You want change, watch it happen quickly! People say what about experience, please they will get into the swing of things within the first year. Imagine, what if 1/3 of congress was elected every 2 years, with a 1 time 6 year term and thats it. People would actually get things done because they wouldn't be worried about reelection, PLUS you would actually have poeple come from the real world who understand issues that normal people deal with. Another thing, there is no reason why it should cost hundreds of millions of dollars to get elected. What a waste of money!!! Simply require each form of media to give a 30 second commercial or short article or whatever to each candidate. All you would need is travel expenses and expenses for signs and pins, but that doesn't cost hundreds of millions. On local terms, 100k for local positions is rediculous as well, set spending limits for campains rather than setting restrictions on contributions. Each candidate gets an equal amout to spend and they are done, who is smarter with money. That would show who is more prepared to be president and run a balanced budget. What a thought!!! Someone actually having to abide by a budget.... unheard of!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Supporting Terrorism?

Ok, I'm glad that someone finally had the guts enough to bring up the subject. This is my main beef with Obama. It doesn't matter what his policies are or what he stands for, but to me this is the main reason why I think he is wrong for our country. First of all Obama's preacher for 20 suddenly airs that his sermons promote racism and supremacy. You can't tell me that he just up and does this out of the blue. This is someone who has mentored Obama for 20 years, but he "never" heard any sermon of the sorts we saw on TV, ya right! There is no way you go to church for 20 years and never hear an off the wall sermon from someone like this. This leads me to another thing, is Obama really muslim? I reference the interview when he said that McCain doesn't understand his "Muslim faith" and when the interviewer called him out on hit he said, ya right, my Christian faith. If you are muslim, come out and say it, do you think we are afraid of the truth, perhaps that is why you live behind these lies. Seriously, how do you mix up christian and muslim faiths, I'm a christian and i know i would never say that my Muslim faith says.... So there has to be something going on there. A couple more points, Obama's number 1 campain contributer is meeting with the leader of Iran, a known maniac and terror supporter. Gee no wonder Obama gets more contributions than McCain. Plus Hammas has come out and supported Obama! HELLO AMERICA, what are you doing? RED FLAG!!!! If a terrorist organization supports a presidential candidate, shouldn't that mean we don't want him in office! Just for kicks, what if Obamam is muslim? A muslim with possible terrorist ties taking over a country that is predominantly Christian, but he would have the power of the senate and congress to back whatever he wanted done. All you can say in that situation is goodbye Christian Freedoms! Thats just a recipe for disaster. Another thing that gets on my nerves, Obama has done drugs. Not just Marijuana either, and no one is saying anything about this? Good grief, if a republican so much as gets a DUI they are the worst person on earth, but it's ok for a democrate because they were "finding themself" come on! Why is so much of Obama's past under wraps? What were his college papers about and what kinds of things did he say. All we hear is that it's off limits because he was "finding himself." I don't care if you were finding yourself, that is part of what made you who you are, and it should be available to every american because we might just put you as commander in chief over our nation. Nothing should be off limits. Anyway, just some food for thought.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ok, enough of this garbage. Both candidates need to grow up, good grief are you stuck in high school. All they do is, Obama this, or McCain this.... blah blah blah. No one is taking on responsibility! Plus, they are both lying about how they have voted in the past and what their plans are. To add on to that, they avoid every question that asks them to define their plans to fix the economy and the war. The presidential debate was a joke, and after watching part of the vp debate, i wonder why we want to put either of these people in office. There is a bunch of, I agree with what he/she said kind of stuff. Come on! you are supposed to be the leaders, step up and explain clearly how you will deal with these situations. Stop taking cheap shots at eachother and answer the question. Stop dodging the question and answer the question. I'm sorry Mr. Obama, but the answer on fixing the economy and the war has nothing to do with how we got there or why even got into Iraq in the first place. The fact is, we are there, the economy is in shambles, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!!!! Explain your policies in your ads instead of simply cutting down your opponent in them. Anyone can dig up dirt, and the media is good at doing that anyway. The fact is, people want change, both candidates claim to represent change, but both continue to use the same old tactics. We want to see a candidate talk about issues and laying out plans to fix problems, not this yo mamma stuff, its rediculous and it shows what kind of a person you are inside. For once put the people first instead of your own agenda.