Friday, July 31, 2009

Health Care Reform

Alright, sorry it has been a long time, but I can't sit back and watch this any more. This is ridiculous. A bunch of blue collars in capitol hill that think they can fix a health care system when they have no idea what it takes. They have no idea what it is like to be in health care. I am suprised that I don't see more health care providers talking about this reform thing. I am going into nursing. Did you know that they are putting a provision in the bill to supplement Dr.'s wages so that they don't take such a dramatic cut in pay over the next 10 years? Right now they complain about a Dr. shortage and a larger nursing shortage. The economy is bad at that. What do you think is going to happen to all these insurance companies and their employees. Oh yes we have the option to keep private insurance, who in their right mind would keep paying for insurance when they can get it for free. On top of that why would you keep it if you are going to start getting taxed for it. The only reason many medical professionals go into the field is for the money. I work in an ER and the only reason I stay is because it is a decent paying job. The rights have been taken away from the providers and then on top of that patients take out all their frustrations on the professionals. We put up with way more than any normal person would. So take away the money and what do you think will happen to the shortage..... increase! You want to see a messed up health care system, wait until you need to see a Dr. and you can't because he is booked for 6 months. There is a very good reason why people from other countries come here for health care or to work as a health care provider.
It is a widely known fact that we have the best health care system in the world. IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT! Its just one more method of control that the government wants over our lives. The Founding Fathers wanted to minimize governmental control and here we are giving them everything we possibly can and we call it "freedom." What freedom are we fighting for? Freedom to be dictated in every aspect of our lives. I agree medical bills stink and that insurance is horrible, but fix it a different way than this. Healthcare is not a mandated right, the constitution has no provision in it for mandated healthcare so how can we think to make it a mandate. Besides, anyone without insurance can walk into any ER in the US and get free healthcare so whats the big deal. 47 million without insurance, some by choice, some not, but that still leaves over 253 million with it. In a country where majority is supposed to rule, we sure are getting the shaft.