Alright, it is time to bring back the values that this country was founded on. It has been my experience that most Americans believe differently than what is the common view on capitol hill. The best part is that these different thoughts are common among most of us. Therefore, if most people believe something else why aren't these thoughts being addressed seriously. My conclusion is that divided we fall, united we conquer. Everyone believes in something, but we have to bring these beliefs together and unite. What was the constitution? It was a statement by the people. Yes, mob rule by the people is madness, but the people we put on Capitol Hill should be working for our best interest not for their own agenda. Politics shouldn't be a career because then you loose touch with reality. Follow the example of the founding fathers. George Washington could have stayed in office forever but he chose not to. This is how politics should be today. Instead they make a living off our tax dollars and continue to do things that we don't agree with. So when does it end? Do we just wait until the next election and hope that we can vote out the incumbent? NO! We have to unite. We the People!! Write your congressman and senator. Get together in groups and talk about what you can do. We have to show the people on capitol hill that there are people who care. We care about how our prisons are run, gay marriages, abortion, drugs, media, gas prices, offshore drilling, punishments for people who break the law, illegal immigration,terrorism, war, and religion. All these things effect our daily lives. Christians account for about 80% of America but we are treated as the minority. That doesn't sound right in a majority rules democracy. For too long Christians have been told to turn the other cheek. When Christ said to turn the other cheek I don't think he meant that we should back down from our morals and standards. When someone attacks our beliefs we should stand tall and unite, not back down and run. It is time to retake some ground and regain the standards
that helped establish this great nation before the road that we are currently on destroys us. We cannot wait any longer and this is a problem that cannot be delegated. Its our responsibility to stand for what we believe in and fight for our families, rights, liberties, religion, and homes.
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Yes, Christians probably account for the majority of people living in the united states. However, I don't think it's right to force one particular religion's ideals on everyone using the legal system. In a way, it would be similar to the extreme muslim countries who terminate many civil rights by trying to run the government according to one particular religious sect. The constitution was founded on religious freedom for all and knew of the problems associated with mixing religion and government. Why can't you just live your life according to your values, while allowing others to have the same freedom? Everyone should just learn to coexist.
I do agree that we should have religious freedom but I don't think that adding good values to the system will infringe on anyones religion. There comes a point where you have to ask if something is just a religious standard or if it should be against the law. How far does freedom of choice go before it becomes illegal? At the rate this country is going murder will become someone's choice and therefore their decision so it's not against the law because if we tell them they can't do something then we are infringing on their rights. There needs to be some standards set to maintain order. America has the highest criminal rate of any country, why? Because religion has been put aside. The founding fathers said separation of church and state but realized that religious belief would still influence how the state would run.
You could argue that religion being "put aside" is the reason for crime in the US, but religion doesn't determine whether someone is a good or bad person. There are plenty of atheists out there that are exceptionally moral people. There are also people who label themselves as Christian and commit crimes every year. The reason any crime is committed is because individuals lack any concern for their fellow human beings or themselves. The ultimate rule of any religion on earth is to do no harm to yourself or others.
And forgive me if I'm wrong, but you mention making murder legal and I can't help but relate that to abortion. It is impossible to group abortion with murder because the lines are so blurry when it comes to what is considered a human being. One could argue that an ova or sperm that is destroyed is murder because it was going to become a baby one day.
And one last thing... you make it sound like the world has gone to hell in a handbasket and I just don't believe this is so. Many, MANY, acts of kindness are committed each day and there are moral, loving, caring people all over the place. "I don't think that adding good values to the system with infringe on anyone's religion." Do we not already have good values in the system?
Well, for starters, I do agree that there is a gray line between abortion and murder but when the baby is to the point of moving and they decide to abort, sorry that is murder. That baby is alive and you are killing it. I will also agree that there are tons of things that happen every day that are acts of kindness and good deeds. The problem is that there is far less of those good deeds happening now than even 10 years ago. I'll even say that the world can get a whole lot worse but its no excuse for how bad it is now. You cannot watch tv and tell me that morals are still included in the system. They have been totally destroyed. Especially when criminals have now become the victim. We give more rights to criminals than to the victims and other good law abiding citizens. Morals are not in our system, though they should be.
Anyway, all i'm trying to say is that if a judge or school teacher wants to post the 10 commandments in their office or classroom, they should be able to do that. So what if people in the government have their own religious beliefs. If they want to put the Koran on their desk go ahead!
True, there are good and bad people in all cultures. A lot of religion is a joke with preachers just out to make money and tell people what and how to believe. They also only tell people what they want to hear to keep them coming back. Many churches don't even require there members to keep any high morals or standards. But people who honestly try to live Christlike lives or lives in accordance with whatever their religious beliefs are, are more likely to be law abiding citizens.
I believe that our rights as citizens of this great country are in Jeopardy. As more and more corrupt people are elected in the senate, and put in the White House the more problems seem to arise and the more our civil rights seem to be infringed upon.
I believe that the more that religion and morals are taken out of the systems the more problems we will have.
For those who believe that all is well in our country, shame on you! You are blind to the evil that is all around us. Yes, there are good, and moral people who are trying to make a difference, but the wicked seem to out way that good.
As a Christian I believe that if the world would just follow the Ten Commandments, there would be a whole lot less problems. Every problem or issue you could ever think of could be solved by just doing those 10 little things. You don't have to be Christian to live the 10 Commandments.
I'm also a realist, I know that not everyone is Christian or religious at that matter, and not everyone thinks that what I believe is correct. But I do know that if WE THE PEOPLE do not take an active stand in protecting out constitution, our rights that we know it will be slowly one by one be taken away from us. What would that make us? Communist
To smith7588:
How are we NOT protecting the constitution?
"The wicked seem to out way the good" - Learn correct grammar: The wicked seem to OUTWEIGH the good.
Your argument makes no sense. You jump around from following the 10 commandments to protecting our constitution but make no transition to show how those two things go together. You are just rambling senselessly and separating yourself even more from the intellectual, logical crowd.
To anonymous:
I think you have forgotten that the constitution was founded by men who put God first. The ten commandments have everything to do with protecting the constitution. Think of how many rights would be lost if the ten commandments weren't kept. If someone respects the ten commandments it doesn't mean that they are stupid and can't think for themselves, which is what you have implied. I would add that if you can't keep something as simple as the ten commandments then you have no self dignity whatsoever because you lack moral judgment to do what is right. We are all born with an innate sense of what is right and what is wrong. By telling someone that they they are not intelligent or logical because they believe in the 10 commandments just shows your own ignorance.
By the way, you have no room to be correcting someone's grammar. Unless you are an english teacher, we don't care, and everyone knew what he meant.
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